Since there are so many requests, I’m searching help for uploading sets. (you will get full access to all pics and videos from onlytease etc. and a lot of other sites) 😉
I’d love to help, not sure if I’ve got enough spare time to do much but I’d be happy to try. I’ve also got some old OAS sets from when passwords were much easier to find!
Hi, i sent you a mail.
I am also interested for doing job of uploading set of requested set.
Hi, I will write you an email soon.
Ok.Thank you
Hi I am interested in uploading sets
Hi. First you have to crate accounts with some imagehosts and filesharing-hosts:
Use the links:
Dear Admin I am waiting for your email
Dear Admin I am very excited to see your email.I want to work with you
Soon. I also have other things to do…
You can start making accounts for uploading pics and filehosting using my referral-links:
Thank you. For uploading i required only tease access.
Dear admin some of this filehost ban in india hence I am not able to create account.
Yes, but you don’t have one. How can you upload sets? created yesterday with your refral ink.but u don’t show it.
I also uploaded 100 pics of lottii rose on site.
You have to upload pics with imgtown, silverpic, kropic etc. and the zip file with rapidgator, katfile. You can see on my site how uploaded set should look like: there are pics to click and and a zip-file to download.
All these filehost sites ban in india
What can I do now .please help me
Imgtown,silverpic account created with ur refreal
Which filehost sites are banned?
Imgtown,silverpic,rapidgator account created remaining filehost are ban in india
Sent you an email. Imgdew and crownpics are same company as imgtown. Are they also banned?
Dear admin I have one website for free dowloads of photo of hotgirsl.
I gave you password, you never uploaded a single set and now I should promote your site?
Hello. I am interested to do job of uploading image sets, because i’ve registered an account on Imgdew.
Make accounts with all my referral links
Done. I’ve also created rapidgator and katfile.
Okay. And accounts for pics uploading. Create at least 3-4. Imgtown, kropic, silverpic…
I’ve created accounts on ImgDew, ImgRock and pics4you.
Okay I will give you soon the details. Instead of pics4you use also imgtown or silverpic
Alright, thanks for your advice.
I haven’t received the details yet, it is now Friday and i wanted to upload my first set this week.
Create accounts with imgtown and silverpic
I have already created accounts on Imgtown and Silverpic
Sent you a mail.
Hello Admin! Please tell me you can download my kits (Natasha Anastasia and Tammy), I uploaded them to:,, pics4you/net, thanks in advance.
Hi, I don’t understand. You want to upload or download?
I want my two sets to be uploaded on your site, they are on (,, pics4you/net) or what should I do to get them on your site, or can’t I do it?
You want to post only two sets? I can post them too. Two sets are not much.
I will be very glad if you do it, I’m actually asking for it. I published the sets on the file sharing sites that I wrote about above (,, pics4you/net) .
1. Only-Secretaries – Tammy – #6138 – (3th December 2015) – 133x
2.OnlyTease – Natasha Anastasia – #17052 – (20th August 2017) – 130x
Saffron 05.11.2022
Harper -19-November-2022
No external links!
And please use the Request-page. It’s not that difficult
Hi, i would like to help for load some sets
what should i do, what is the process?
thanks for your reply
Sent you a mail
I would like share Stacey P, Beth Lily & Suzie Q Onlytease sets!
Hello. Do you have your own sets?
Yes! I have many sets of Stacey P
LOL… those Indians are usually scammers.
Keyword “usually”. I’m just saying – a lot of people/companies try to work with them, and it always end up in shambles.
I can help with all photo sets of layered nylons until mid 2022
I started uploading on silverpic. I’m waiting for contact.
Uploading Lauren Louise – ArtLingerie #19916 now, please contact me
I have this set uploaded to RapidGator and the Image Gallery to Where do I send these details? thanks
Hi. I’ll tell you tomorrow.
I can help you
ALso I have a collection of onlytease, leathered life, devils butts (recent and old), stricly glamour
Sent you mail
obsessed with the only sites, happy to help upload
hi, let’s wait till all imagehost are running again.
any progress?
Lots of imagehosts are still down. Only imgdrive, imgadult etc. are up. But they don’t add new users. You can make accounts with filehosts katfile, rapidgator, fikper, freedl using my referall links meanwhile. And also imagetwist for image uploads.
thanks, will do
what next?
I don’t see any new referral acounts in the last days. Did you use the affiliate links?
Hi. I can help with uploading and fulfilling requests. I have my own big collection of OAS sets and I am available every day.
I have already created imagetwist and rapidgator accounts from your referral links.
Is your link to correct? (asking because it does not open any registration form)
Sent you mail